Bibliografia |
- La proffessione Chiropratica. Formazione,pratica, ricercae orizzonti futuri. David Chapman Smith. 2000 NCMIC group inc. Ed italiana 2004 Castello editore.
- The Spinal Engine. Serge Gracovetsky, Ph. D. Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York 1988.
- Gray’s Anatomy, 37th ed Williams-Warwick-Dyson-Bannister. Churchill Livingston 1989
- Pathology 3rd edition. E. Rubin-J.Faber. Lippincot-Raven 1998.
- Principles and practice of chiropractic 2nd ed. Scott Haldeman. Appleton and lange 1992.
- Principles of neural science 3rd ed. E.R. Kandel-J.H. Schwartz-T.M. Jessell. Elsevier science Pubblication 1991.
- Essentials of Skeletal radiology 2nd ed. Vol. 1. T.R. Yochum-L.J. Rowe. Williams & Wilkins 1996.
- Essentials of Skeletal radiology 2nd ed. Vol. 2. T.R. Yochum-L.J. Rowe. Williams & Wilkins 1996.
- Low Back pain, mechanism diagnosis and treatment 5th ed. James M.Cox.Williams & Wilkins 1990.
- Textbook of Clinical Chiropractic, a specific biomechanical approach. G. Plaugher-M.A. Lopez. Williams & Wilkins 1993.
- Osteopatia Craniale 1a edizione italiana dalla 3a edizione francese. Leopold Busquet. Editore Marrapese Roma 1998.
- Clinical Nutrition for pain, inflammation and tissue healing 1st ed. David R. Seaman. NutrAnalysis, Inc. 1998.
- Prescription for Nutritional Healing 2nd ed. James F. Balch, MD.-Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. Avery Publishing Group1997.
- A-Z guide to drug-herb-vitamin interactions. S.W. Lininger Jr.,DC –A.R. Gaby, MD-S.Austin ND-F. Batz, PharmD-D.J Brown, ND-G. Costantine, Rph, PhD. Healthnotes, Inc. 1999.
- The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology 7th ed. Jack R. Cooper - Floyd E. Bloom – Robert H. Roth. OxfordUniversity Press 1996.
- The Merk Manual 7th ed. Merck Research Laboratories 1999.
- Textbook of Medical Physiology 9th ed. Guyton & Hall. W.B. Saunders Company 1996.
- Nervous System and Sensory Organs 4th ed. W.Kahle – H.Leonhardt – W.Platzer.Thieme 1993.
- The Brain and Behavior: an introduction to Behavioral Neuroanatomy. David L. Clark – Nashaat N. Boutros. Blackwell Science 1999.
- Core Text of Neuroanatomy 4th ed. Malcom B. Carpenter. Williams & Wilkins 1991.
- Neurological Differential Diagnosis 2nd ed. John Pattan. Springer 1996.
- Clinical Autonomic Disorders 2nd ed. Phillip A. Low. Lippincott – Raven 1997.
- I Muscoli, funzioni e test, quarta edizione con postura e dolore. F.P.Kendall – E.K. McCreary – P.G.Provance. VerducciEditore 1995.
- Cranial Manipulation Theory and Practice, Osseous and soft Tissue Approaches. Leon Chaitow. Churchill livingstone 1999.
- Adverse Mechanichal Tension in the Central Nervous System. Alf Brieg. Almqvist & Wiksell International (Stockolm, Sweden) – John Wiley & Sons (New York, London, Sydney, Toronto ) 1978.
- Ortodonzia dinamica e ripristino delle funzioni. Gabriella Guaglio. Euroedizioni s.r.l.
- Functional Soft Tissue Examination and treatment by Manual Metods, New perspectives, 2nd ed. Warren I. Hammer. Aspen publication 1999.
- Rehabilitation of the Spine, a practitioner’s manual. Craig Liebenson. Williams & Wilkins 1996.
- Atlas of Common Subluxation of the Human Spine and pelvis. William J. Ruch. CRC Press, Boca Raton-New York-London-Tokyo 1997.
- Orthopaedic Neurology, a Diagnostic Guide to Neurologic Levels. Stanley Hoppenfeld. J.B. Lippincott Company 1977.
- Physical examination of the spine and extremities. Stanley Hoppenfeld. Appleton-Century-Crofts/New York 1976.
- Cranial Nerves, anatomy and Clinical Comments. Wilson-Pauwels, Akesson, Stewart. B.C. Decker Inc. Toronto-Piyladelphia 1988.
- La Norma Kinesiografica. L. Attinà – M. D’Attilio
- Applied Kinesiology, Synopsis- David S. Walther. SystemDC 1988.
- Applied Kinesiology, Vol II, Head, Neck, and jaw Pain and Disfunction – The Stomatognatic system- David S. Walther. SystemDC 1983.
- Basic and Clinical Anatomy of the Spine, Spinal Cord, and ANS. Gregory D.Darby – Susan A.Darby. Mosby 1995
- Chiropratica, un profilo professionale. Elaborato da T.E. Rieghel DC per COCPIT (Comitato di parlamentari per l’innovazione e lo sviluppo Sostenibile—ONLUS) e AIC (Associazione Italiana Chiropratici).
- Knee Pain and Disability. Renè Calliet, MD. F.A. Davis 1991.
- Shoulder pain. Renè Calliet, MD. F.A. Davis 1991.
- Foot and ankle pain. Renè Calliet, MD. F.A. Davis 1997.
- UCLA Forum in Medical Science. Nutritional modulation of neural function.Vol 1. J.E. morley—M.B. Sterman—J.H– Walsh. Accademic press, inc. 1988.
- UCLA Forum in Medical Science. Nutritional modulation of neural function.Vol 12 J.E. morley—M.B. Sterman—J.H– Walsh. Accademic press, inc. 1988.
- Sacro-Occipital Technic. Major Bertrand De Jarnette, DC. Sacro Occipital Research Society International. 1984.
- Scientific Core Conditioning. Paul Check. C.H.E.K. INSTITUTE, 1998.
- The Effectivness and cost-effectivness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain. Pran Manga, Ph.D.-Doug Angus, M.A.-Costa Papadopoulus, MHA-William Swan, B.A. Founded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, 1993.
- Current Concepts in Vertebrobasilar Complications following Spinal Manipulation. Allan G.J. Terrett. NCMIC Chiropractic Solutions 2001.
- “Low Back Pain associated with leg length inequality” L.G.F. Giles MSc, and J.R. Taylor, MB, ChB, PhD. Spine-Vol. 6-Number 5-S